Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Rebecca Vijay
Fired Up! 3
Writing coaching | Community | Bestseller| Events

Are you an established female coach, speaker, consultant or entrepreneur
who is living her dream life & built successful business despite odds?
Who has more time to spend with family, travels more, works less?
Who is now paying it forward and helping more women?

Want to share your message with a wider audience 
and make a bigger impact?



Features inspiring stories and roadmaps of 

Female Coaches, Speakers, Consultants and Entrepreneurs 
who have overcome difficult times and are living their dream lives

and are now uplifting and empowering women and helping them heal 

Would you like to get featured in various media,
increase your visibility and impact, and get more leads and clients?

 Would you like to be invited to speaking engagements, podcasts, summits and other arenas
showcasing your expert authority?

Here's your Opportunity to Become Bestselling Authors
and Increase your Influence, Impact and Income

Becoming a published author helps you gain instant credibility
that allows you to book more speaking gigs and make a bigger impact.

We have helped 16 women changemakers from 3 different continents
become #1 international bestselling authors and get featured on various media outlets reaching millions.
By joining the next Fired Up! book, you can share your inspiring story
as well as become a bestselling author
to grow your impact and influence

increase your authority status and visibility
and bring more leads and clients to your business


Are you ready to....
🔥 Magnify your voice
🔥 Share your story on a GLOBAL scale to inspire other aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs
🔥 Ignite the vision of women to help them overcome the big obstacles you did
🔥 Support women in shaping brighter futures for their families and future generations?

Here are 3 reasons why joining the third book in our international bestselling
Fired Up series of transformational anthologies is a no-brainer opportunity: 

1) You'll share your life-changing story using our super simple templates and we will take care of the rest (editing, layout, cover design, publishing, marketing, promotion, bestseller launch and much more)

2) We'll show you ways to make your investment back during our marketing strategy sessions

3) You'll become known as an expert (and PUBLISHED AUTHOR) and a part of our supportive community of women achievers which will open doors to next level opportunities like speaking gigs, interviews, collaborations, media and much much more... 

Are you ready and Fired Up
to share your inspiring story and message
to make a meaningful impact and inspire aspiring entrepreneurs
and create a ripple effect? 

Hurry 🏃‍♀️ we are closing registrations for author intake by 30 April
and only have 11 spots left!


Wouldn't it be great to become a bestselling author without doing all the work?  

To write just one chapter and become a bestselling author?  

To have an experienced team handling all the back-end publishing for you?  

To become a bestselling author with visibility and exposure to you and your business?

I can help you to do the same. 

Inside the Fired Up! 3 experience,  
We provide writing coaching, full-service done-for-you publishing services for the book production, publishing, promotion and marketing, and bestseller launch. 

my story

I wrote and published my first book, My Angel in Heaven in 2017. The book is about my journey through the death of my firstborn twin son on the third day and how I found comfort and hope in God.

Child loss, infant loss, pregnancy loss are all almost taboo subjects in most cultures. Writing this book helped provide a platform and a voice to other bereaved parents to open up about their loss, their child(ren) and share and relive their precious memories.

The book helped many bereaved parents and others who have suffered loss and grief to find some comfort and peace. The book also became a #1 bestseller on Amazon US, UK, India and Australia.

My sharing my story helped others to share their stories. I now help female coaches, consultants, healers, and service-providers share their life-changing story and expertise with thousands of ideal clients through being a part of best-selling anthologies and solo books so that they can increase their visibility, drive leads from their book into their paid programs, and accomplish their dream of being a best-selling author.

Over the years, I have become #4 Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, 6x #1 Amazon Bestselling Author and 2x #1 Bestselling Publisher, #1 Barnes & Noble Bestselling Author. I am a Contributing Writer for Insider, Thrive Global, Momspresso, Good Men Project. My article has been syndicated on MSN, Yahoo News, Business Insider India and NewsBreak.

I have been featured in various media outlets including FOX, NBC with a potential reach of 56 million and have been invited to speak on international podcasts, summits, magazine, book festival, participate in giveaways...


It's not just me, we have been able to achieve similar results for our clients as well:

- We helped 16 women changemakers become #1 Amazon international bestselling authors

- We helped our clients get in front of millions through 500+ media outlets including FOX, NBC, KWWL, AP News, Street Insider, Asia One, News Max, and many more

- We helped them get on global podcasts, magazines, summits

- Becoming international bestselling authors has helped pave the way for our clients to get their own daily syndicated column, start their own TV show, host their own summits and much more

Fired Up! 3 will help
female coaches, speakers, consultants and entrepreneurs who have 
been through trauma yet not just survived but thrived 
and are now helping other women heal and become empowered
to become bestselling authors to share their inspiring story and make an impact.

The main pillars of the program are: 
Writing Coaching | Community | Bestseller | Events

This program will help you:
- Be a part of a multi-author book collaboration
- Write your personal inspiring story and actionable roadmap (using our templates)
- We will take care of the book production (editing, layout and design, cover design, formatting, proofreading etc), publishing it on Amazon as an e-book and paperback, promotion and marketing (strategy and graphics and videos for social media)
- Become a bestselling author in at least one category on Amazon, in at least one country
- Establish your personal brand, expertise and credibility
- Share your message with millions globally and make the impact you have always wanted to make *
- Be a part of a collaborative and supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs
- Increase your authority status
- Increase your exposure and visibility
- Get warm, qualified leads into your world

(We also have other programs to help you: find your signature book idea, write your manuscript, get featured in media, build a lead gen machine into your book, as well as bestseller launchpad)


I am Rebecca Grace Vijay, the Founder and CEO of Fount of Grace Creatives, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, a 6x #1 Amazon Bestselling Author & 3x #1 International Bestselling Publisher, #1 Barnes & Noble Bestselling Author. I am a Contributing Writer for Insider, Thrive Global, Momspresso, Good Men Project. My article has been syndicated on MSN, Yahoo News, Business Insider India and NewsBreak.

I have been in the communications and publishing industry since the early 2000s and worked with Oxford University Press for around 8 years.

I help female coaches, consultants, healers, and service-providers share their life-changing story and expertise with thousands of ideal clients through being a part of best-selling anthologies and solo books so that they can increase their visibility, drive leads from their book into their paid programs, and accomplish their dream of being a best-selling author.

My multi-author book collaborations, Fired Up! and Fired Up! 2 are #1 international bestsellers and I have helped 16 women changemakers from around the world become #1 international bestselling authors.

I am also an International Speaker and Summit Host, and have been featured in podcasts, various media outlets including FOX, NBC.


Wendy Björk
The Empress of MS™ and
co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

Through my authenticity, I have brought more attention to multiple sclerosis and awareness. Having a book published is a big deal, but being part of a #1 International Bestselling book is a HUGE deal! I feel my credibility has been elevated as an MS Expert. it will help my brand, and it's an awesome accomplishment. I expected it to be very labor intensive and it was quite the opposite. With Rebecca's help, she created the exact templates with the required word counts. It was much easier than I initially thought, having the chapter outlined for me. She worked very hard from creation, pre-launch to publication and then continued to create attention with interviews, constant updates on the book status. I was involved in each step and even though this project was a collaboration, each contribution was paramount to the success. I really appreciate Rebecca's tireless work, her vast knowledge of the publication process is what makes her so special! If anyone has a book on their heart and isn't quite ready for a solo project, I would highly recommend joining FoGC and having Rebecca lead the way!

Heather Brockman
Entrepreneur and Spiritual Coach. Author of
A Soul's Journey: How a Terminal Cancer Diagnosis Changed My Life (FoGC) and 
co-author, Fired Up! 2 (FoGC)
Donna Johnson Thomas
CEO, Mountainside Clothing and
co-author, Fired Up! 2 (FoGC)
Laura Masters
Intentional Vision and Life Coach and
co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

My biggest breakthrough was overcoming the vulnerability of sharing my story. (Still working on that!) Also, reading the stories of the other authors in this book has filled me with awe for the resilience of women. I did not expect to meet such a fabulous group of women from all over the world. This book [Fired Up!] is a collection of deeply vulnerable, personal stories from women who have taken their life challenges, overcome them, and now want to give back. I believe this book will empower and inspire a lot of people, not just women. The heartfelt sharing within stories like these ten tales of overcoming obstacles has amazing potential to help so many!

Dr Maryam AlHebsi
United Nations Ambassador, Cultural Diplomacy and co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

It was a fun experience! With a group of special women. First, I would like to thank you for your great interest & care, & I am pleased to deal with you in the future & to repeat the experience of publishing with you for my next book!

Mona AlHebsi
The Success Coach and
co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

My biggest breakthrough was learning a lot of small things that has to do with publishing a book and the fact that if I work with an experienced publisher who has done it successfully before I don’t have to worry much.

I loved the big vibe that Rebecca has created way before the actual release date through the constant author interviews, promotional campaigns and dedicated before and after launch support and promotions.

Kassandra G Lennox
Mindset & Self-care Mentor and
co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

My biggest breakthrough was that it opened up & started what I have wanted for the longest. It's been a positive experience. Keep sharing more as you will touch sooo many

Evangelist Angie BEE
Entrepreneur and co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

I see how my writing has evolved by using your program and I hope to work with you again! This experience was different from any other anthology I've been a part of because the weekly trainings. They forced me to focus on meeting my goals and setting deadlines. Keep doing what you are doing! You are certainly an encouraging blessing for me.  

Loretha Simon
Trauma and Survivor Coach and
co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

Once I accepted the credibility of FoGC, I was ready to follow instructions. The entire process was helpful, encouraging, challenging and professional. The status we achieved as a #1 Amazon Best Seller is icing on the cake. Rebecca Vijay, FoGC, and Publishing Secrets for Impact-Driven Changemakers & Entrepreneuers provide a quality experience.

Yaminah Yisrael
Heart-centered Transformation Coach and
co-author, Fired Up! (FoGC)

My results after Fired Up! is that I have a platform to help with visibility and credibility. I am a member of a community of driven, impactful women. I did not really know what to expect when I joined and I am happy with the results. Rebecca is accessible, patient and knows how to create a buzz.

In Fired Up! 3:
- You will write your story and roadmap supported by our templates, coaching and proven systems
- Meet for group Q&A sessions for support, accountability and feedback
- Be a part of community of like-minded women
- We will do all the heavy lifting
- We will develop and produce premium quality book including editing, cover, layout and design, formatting
- It will be published in e-book and paperback formats on Amazon  
- Bestseller launch: The book will become a #1 best seller in at least one category in one country
- Get ready for your business to get consistent warm leads through the visibility and exposure 

Elizabeth Mathew
Author, Firefly (CMAI)

I am grateful to Rebecca for helping me with the compiling of my book – ‘Firefly’, my testimony about the life of my beloved missionary son, Dr Shane. When the idea of this book came to my mind, I was not sure how to take it forward or to whom to approach but through Rebecca, I could not only accomplish production of the book, but she also graciously helped me in my grief journey, by walking that extra mile. It was because of her effort and support in each step that I could publish the book in such a short time.

Dr Kirti Dutta
Author, Brand Management, Services Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications (OUP)

Rebecca is a professional par excellence. Her work ethics and high academic standards are her strengths. Do not be taken in by her soft demeanour as she can make you burn the midnight oil to achieve the deadlines. Value her academic inputs which have always enriched my work. Can never thank her enough for the painstaking effort she has put in to invisibly guide the books she edited.

G Raghubalan
Author, Hotel Housekeeping: Operations and Management (OUP)

I have worked closely with Rebecca during her stint with Oxford University Press (India), when I had co-authored the book 'Hotel Housekeeping: Operations and Management'. Her professionalism, follow-up, keen eye for detail along with her pleasant disposition played a key role in ensuring the book turning out to be a successful bestseller, till date.

The Fired Up! 3 Pricing

Silver - $2,000

For solopreneurs who are just starting out and are looking for more credibility

  • Production costs (editing, formatting, cover etc)
  • Bestseller launch
  • Connect with amazing co-authors and network
  • Author events

Gold - $3,000

For established business owners who want to grow to the next level

  • All Silver inclusions
  • Name on Cover
  • Become referral partner (10% commission)
  • Get $1,000 off your own solo book package with us *

Diamond - $4,500
(by invite only)

For serious businesses that are ready to scale

  • All Silver inclusions
  • Name on Cover
  • Become referral partner (20% commission)
  • Get $2,000 off your own solo book package with us *
  • BONUS: Author spotlight media feature

* solo book project should be initiated within 3 months of release of Fired Up! 3

Terms and conditions: https://p2p.rebeccavijay.com/amazon-multi-author-terms-of-purchase

-- We have openings for solo books as well as a book writing mastermind on a pay-as-you-go monthly plan --

Fired Up! 3
Writing Coaching | Community | Bestseller | Events

Are you ready to
Share your voice?
Share your message?
Share your method?
Become a bestselling author?  
Increase Your Influence, Impact and Income?
Join the Fired Up! author community

Here are the inclusions of the Fired Up! 3 experience


We will coach you through writing your story and roadmap for the three books. We will provide templates, coaching and a proven system to help you write easily, without any overwhelm.


Our highly experienced and knowledgeable team will take care of the entire backend - book production, publishing, promotion and marketing, bestseller campaign to help you focus on your zone of genius.


Network, collaborate with an amazing community of like-minded women entrepreneurs


We will showcase you and your business through events like Author Meet and Greets, AuthorSpeaks

Do you want to know which program or package is
more suited for you and the current stage of your business?

Book a call with us and let's have a chat!